Category Archives: Health & Wellness

Seniors health and wellness focuses on the well-being and overall health of older adults. It encompasses various aspects such as physical, mental, emotional, and social well-being. Seniors health and wellness programs often include activities, services, and resources that promote healthy aging, address age-related challenges, and support seniors in maintaining a high quality of life. This can include exercise programs, health screenings, preventive care, mental health support, social engagement opportunities, nutrition guidance, and access to healthcare services tailored to the unique needs of older adults. The aim is to help seniors stay active, independent, and achieve optimal health throughout their aging journey.

How to keep your body from looking like a question mark

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| Written by Fitworks Perfect Posture | Do you “people watch”? It is human nature to look around and see who and what are in your surroundings. Comparing, noticing, contemplating the data before you, wondering where you fit in; what might have happened to cause that; what can I do to look like that? Some […]

Here are a few ideas for staying fit in the summer

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Staying in shape can be difficult especially during the summer months if you enjoy outdoor workouts and activities. If you didn’t already know, seniors that are 65 and older technically should be getting to 2.5 hours of moderately based aerobic exercise every week. This could be anything from walking, swimming, or light jogging. If you […]